Common Causes of Heating System Problems

Even though today’s commercial and residential heating systems are designed to deliver years of excellent service, problems usually arise from time to time. If not dealt with, the problems do not only cause a threat to your comfort but your safety as well. Research shows that heating equipment is a common cause of residential fires.

There are very many issues that can lead to heating system problems, but the most common are discussed below.

Thermostat problems

The thermostat is responsible for controlling the amount of heat generated by the heating unit and the time when it is produced. However, there are times when it may malfunction or is not set right something that can cause issues with the heating system. The solution for this is to either replace or repair the thermostat.

Should this happen, it is best to replace the non-functioning device using a programmable thermostat. These allow users to choose different temperatures on different days of the week and at different times of night or day. Eventually, this can help with substantial reductions in your monthly cooling and heating bills.

Some problems may also arise if the thermostat has not been programmed in the right way. Before you go ahead and call a technician, it is important to make sure that the thermostat has been set correctly. The user manual can help you out with this.

heater problem

Mechanical failure

Mechanical issues are among the most common causes of heating system problems. It encompasses a broad range of components and parts. The heating system is made up of numerous mechanical parts which can wear out after some time. If one component fails, it may mean that the whole heating system will be jeopardised.

Unless you have helped solve such problems in the past, it is usually best to consult a heater repair expert  when dealing with mechanical issues to ensure that they are addressed in the right way. It is also vital that the heating systems are maintained properly so that they do not end up failing prematurely. This way, you can enjoy using your system for a long time without any complications.

Filtration issues

Filtration problems can also mess with your heating system. Manufacturers recommend that the filters are cleaned or replaced at regular intervals. In some cases, if you do not do this, it may end up voiding the warranty.

Note that the filter in the heating system works to keep away dirt, organic particles, and pet dander from being trapped into the duct work or being recycled in your office or home. When it is not cleaned or replaced when it is time, the filter becomes clogged. This results in restricted airflow that forces the heating unit to work extra hard to maintain the workplace or home at comfortable temperatures.

heater repair

When you do not deal with the filtration problems, it could shorten the lifespan of the entire heating unit, and it can also increase the utility bills forcing you to dig deeper into your pocket for something that could have been avoided in the first place.